Coming back strongly at the statement, Prajarajyam Party Chief Chiranjeevi said he was a peoples man, and that he was not a leader who begged for votes and then walked away from people’s problems, further he said he wasn’t corrupt and hadn’t looted people’s wealth over years, he reminded people that he was here on peoples choice and his mission was to build a society that frees itself from corruption and he said he will strive for equality and prosperity for all.
Chiranjeevi further pointed at the pathetic state of the current government, saying they had failed on standing by their promises, and he opined all the policies and welfare promises made by Congress were all attempts to gain votes and not a dedication to serve people.
Corruption in public service and health sectors, deep rooted corruption in government and allied services, disparity, bad state of farming, and the misuse of farmers land in the name of SEZs, Chiranjeevi said if these were not true signs of a government that was nothing but a curse on people and democracy?
Chiranjeevi’s fiery reply was cheered by a huge gathering of people, and this came as a reply to Congress leadership’s out burst claiming Chiranjeevi to be a film star who was a curse to people.
In the wake of heated throwbacks PRP and Congress are leaving no stone unturned to point chunks in each others political armor.
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