Several senior leaders from different parties are joining the Chiranjeevi’s Praja Rajyam Party (PRP) in the district. BJP senior leader Manda Ailaiah, who has been in the party since its inception, joined the Praja Rajyam. He said that he was vexed with the "anti-BC" policies of the BJP and was impressed by the social agenda of the actor’s party. He said that though he contested from the Shayampet constituency for three times, every time he was betrayed by the former MP C. Janga Reddy’s camp, which he said was opposed to the BC candidate contesting against former minister Madadi Satyanarayana Reddy.
Taking a massive convoy of around 100 vehicles from the district, Mr Ailaiah went to
He said that he would take the social service and BC agenda of the actor further by working full time for the promotion of the party. Similarly, the National Minimum Wages Commission former chairman Jannu Jakaraiah also entered the Praja Rajyam. He alleged that though he worked for the strengthening of the TRS in the district from the day one, the TRS chief, Mr K. Chandrasekhar Rao, betrayed him by denying ticket to contest from the Parkal (SC) constituency.
For more than three decades he worked for the CPI and later joined the TRS and worked as a close associate of Hanamkonda MP B. Vinod Kumar. Mr Jakaraiah was the only leader who was shared the dais with Chiranjeevi at the party office when joined the party.
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